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Sunday, January 22, 2006

I'd Rather Have Rabbits........

It seems, since I have returned from Illinois State and the American College Theatre Festival last week, that I have just been putting all of the items from my "must do" list into a hat, shaking them up, and pulling them out one by one, attempting to get as much done as I can. I don't think that is a very good system, but it was really the only way to stay sane. I have to go to Youth Group in a couple of minutes, and I still haven't planned anything for I have to sign kids up for the "Souper Bowl of Caring" lunch we are putting on next Sunday for charity. Right now, I would like to bury my head in my pillow and scream as loud as I can. I think I will. I don't think I'm much of a screamer...the noise that just came out of me was so ridiculous, it caused me to crack up laughing instead of screaming...better luck next time. It's funny cuz I'm not totally freaking out like I probably should be. Dude, what's the point? Seriously. As long as I had my devotion time today, which I did, I'm doing okay. Alright, let's see what's in the hat....."take a shower". Hm. Oh yeah, I have to go to Youth Group...I guess the shower will have to wait. I'm beginning to think that "take a shower" shouldn't be in the hat, it should just kind of be a given, like eating or sleeping. It's probably the easiest thing in the hat right now, though, so it stays. I hope I don't get it twice in a row...that would be kind of wierd. I better go...the things in the hat seem to be multiplying by the second....I guess that is kind of like rabbits. Peace.

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