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Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Brief Summary

Great things that have happened: I finally bought "Fight Club" I brought my grade point average up from a 1.9 to a 3.1 in less than a year I have been terrified, but trusted God, and, as always, He saw me through. What a faithful Father I have.. I survived I added Theatre as one of my majors I have forgiven and been forgiven, two of the best feelings ever My brother is home I have found work that is fulfilling and might actually pay the bills...maybe I met someone and had one of those great, substance-rich conversations that last until 4 in the morning, with no pressure to be anything but friends...awesome I've recognized how great true friendships are, and realized just how many I have....too many for someone so undeserving I've truly found the Christmas Spirit, and for once it has nothing to do with shopping or presents I made myself vulnerable in front of a room full of theatre students...and lived to tell about it I cried and laughed many times all in the same day..rock on I sang on stage I sent out a few Christmas cards..I usually never get around to it My apartment is pretty clean, and has been for a while I finally finished "Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis, I've been half-done with it for over a year. I have about five books at home that I started reading and never finished, tonight it's the script "Summer and Smoke" by Tennesse Williams, and tomorrow, perhaps I'll finish "The Kennedy Men". I was not afraid to be honest with myself and about myself..what did I have to lose, really? I have met an amazing mentor, and have learned a ton about God and myself. I realized that I talk about God and Jesus more than I talk about anything's about time I took more risks this semester, and put myself out there more than ever before....I can't wait to do it again. Not so great things that have happened: Ha! Do you really think after all that God has done for me that I would have anything to put in this column? No way! ALL things have or will work out for His glory...who am I to say that something is not great? Who am I to demean the work of God simply because I may not understand it at the time? Who am I to dismiss His work as struggle and strife and not recognize how priveliged I am to suffer a bit if only He can be honored by it? Who am I?

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah

Does anybody else think this journal has become completely B O R I N G? Some serious revamping is in order......soon, very soon.....finals first.....or maybe it can prove to be a great stalling technique and tool to encourage my procrastination.....or else it's time to grow up and get my priorities straight.....yeah....finals first. i gotta learn how to do links, pictures and all that jazz......... CAUTION: This blog is under major re-construction.......please accept my apologies for any inconvenience this may cause, or an even bigger apology for the inconvenience it caused to have such an incredibly uninsightful, uneventful, unfulfilling blog. Be back after Finals! *PEACE*

Saturday, December 04, 2004


Man.......God is everywhere. I was just going to hang out with some friends last night, go bowling or whatever, when Josh called me at, like, seven o'clock and invited me to the Steven Curtis Chapman concert at 7:30! Of course I said yes and flew out the door! The concert was great. I'm not a big person on "celebrities". It bothers me that people would be in awe of someone just because they're famous, you know? I am more in awe of people who are not famous, and live their lives according to God's word on a daily basis, no fanfare, no fame, just a humble heart. What I appreciated the most about the concert was the praise and worship. I realized yesterday that I have not been to church, because of work and the play, in almost TWO months! That's crazy! I loved looking out across the crowd, and recognizing that we were all singing praise to the same God. To me, that was awe-inspiring. I ran into a ton of people I knew, and truly had a great time. I hope my friends that I had plans with can understand why I totally bailed on them, not for the sake of the concert, but more for the sake of my soul. It did my soul good to be there last night. Chris Tomlin and Casting Crowns did an excellent job as well. It was a good night, and I felt lucky to be a part of it. I've been working a bit more now, which has been good. One of the full-time poeple left Holy Cross, so it looks like I'll be getting some major hours in. The restaurant will be busy for the holiday season, too. Unfortunately, it is finals time and I have a few different projects due, and some monologues to perform. I have not started any of it, but I'm confident I'll get it done. I'm doing quite well this semester, too well to start slackin' now, anyway. This has been the craziest semester ever, but it has been tons of fun!! What a ride...... I think I am going to try to be a little better about keeping up with this journal. I feel like there is so much I could have written about this semester, but it just was never a huge priority. We'll see if I can be a little better about it next semester. Ha! I have to go......I have, like, four loads of laundry to do at the laundromat and then I go to the Restaurant tonight till closing time. Then, I go back to the restaurant tomorrow morning and then back to Holy Cross for the evening shift. Yikes! So much for homework time. I have a feeling there is not going to be much time for sleep in the next couple of's a good thing school is almost done! PEACE!

Family Life

My brother is back home for a while. He was down south for a few years, but he just came back home last week. It's good to have him back. I know my mom is happy to see him safe and healthy, things parents worry about all the time with their kids. Hopefully, he sticks around for a while. My little sister is coming home from Grand Valley for Christmas Break soon. It will be nice to hang out and catch up with her when I can. I will be working quite a bit, but I'm sure we'll get some time to hang out. She will be at home with my mom and brother, so hopefully they will all get a chance to spend some time together, too. I'm sure she's looking forward to sleeping A LOT! My sister really likes to sleep in. It will be nice to have us all together on Christmas Day! I don't have a lot in the way of presents, and it really bothers me, but I know that they don't either. It will just be nice to be lazy, eat, watch T.V., and hang out. I'm really looking forward to that. It's too bad my older sister and her family couldn't come up from Iowa this year. I haven't met my niece or my nephew yet. I only met one of her boys, and that was, like, three years ago. Yikes. Hopefully, my nephew and niece that live here in Bay City can hang out with us near Christmas time. I went over there for his birthday in November. He is four years old now, I can't believe it! I love that kid. Hopefully, I can start hanging out with him a little more often. My uncle is going out of state to see a specialist. It looks like his cancer has gotten pretty bad recently. I haven't been over to see him yet and I don't know why. I think they are leaving in the next couple of days. I pray that everything works out with him. I know it would be very hard on their family if something happened to him, especially my aunt. My mom started her new job. I know it's better than the old one, and I'm glad she's working in Lapeer. I hope she can move there and finally get out of Cass City. Cass City isn't bad, it's just not the greatest place for her to live. There is so much more available in the bigger towns. I hope that she can continue to look for work in other fields. I'm tired of seeing my mom work in the factory. I would love to see her get a nice sit-down job in a better environment. I'm sure something will open up soon, God willing. I tell you what, my mom is the most fantastic person I have ever known. She is a survivor, and continues to wake up every day and do what needs to be done. She raised four kids on her own, with only a few dollars in her pocket, and sometimes not even that. How she did it, I will never know. I know God is looking out for her, but I truly wish that she would open up her heart to Him. I know that God can supply the peace that she has never known. I hope and I pray that one day I will walk with my mom in Heaven. If God accomplishes nothing else in this life of mine, I hope that's it. I hope my mom will be in Heaven.