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Sunday, March 12, 2006


"Stop the ride, I wanna get off!!!" Seriously, busy is an understatement (and so is your mom:) I feel like I'm on the Gravitron right now, and it just started spinning really fast and my seat is raising up and my head is being smashed against the cushion, and I'm trying to remember who told me this ride was fun, so I can punch them in the face when it's over. I will just keep my eye on May 1st, cuz that's when most of the craziness is over. Not that I won't enjoy the things I am doing now...if I wasn't, I shouldn't be doing them. Sometimes, though, it all stacks up, and you want to gouge your eye with a pencil, just to see the clear jelly stuff come out. Okay, so that was a little gross, but the jelly stuff is kinda cool. I can't write long...things to do. I feel like Stretch Armstrong right now. My new job has one arm, my professors have the other, "Oliver" has one leg, and Alpha Psi has the other, they are all pulling me as far as I will go, while the church keeps punching me in the family is in my heart, and my social life is on my mind...and every once in a while someone kicks me in the butt, but they run away before I can turn around to see who it is. I better go...I think the ride is speeding up!!! Augghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!