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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

well, at least my socks are clean.......

whenever you're having a bad day....paint your fingernails bright red, and put on some clean socks. seriously. i have some serious decision-making to do in the next month. i like it, and really hate it. the fact that i have to make decisions means 1) i am still breathing and capable of making decisions, and 2) i still have options. so...i guess i won't feel bad about it, yet. i have to go to class in, like, five minutes, but i figured i haven't written in a while, so i oughtta catch up a little. i won't go into what decisions need to be made, cuz then they would be known and it wouldn't take long for everyone to find out, then you receive all this feedback when the decision is hard enough as it is, plus all the judgment and things that come with it...i just don't feel up to all that right now. i am laying a fleece before God, and i should know where my life is going to go within the next month. i don't like putting a fleece before God, but with this one, i have no idea what else to do. i really want to do what God wants me to do. i've been living this whole semester based on my terms, and sinking steadily into a pit that will be impossible to get out of, if i don't do something fairly soon. i trust God completely...and know that next year at this time i will look back and have a better understanding of why all this needed to happen. At least my socks are clean......