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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sunshine and Opportunity

I have had a very good day. I have had something in my head to write about every day for the last three weeks or so, but never sat down to do it. I realize it might have done me some good to get those thoughts down, so they wouldn't continue to just swim around in my head, but it seemed a daunting task to actually sit and carefully consider how to put those thoughts on paper without looking like a lunatic. Well, I am a lunatic, in a matter of I say "speak on, crazy lady, speak on!" I hardly ever write on a good day, so I figure today's the day! I started off the day in good spirits. I woke up, having only 5-6 hours of sleep, which has been my average per night for this semester. I call this my 6 o'clock semester. I have had to wake up at 6 o'clock or before almost every day so far. This morning was no exception, but I seemed to wake up with the knowledge and acceptance that this is how it was going to be to keep up, so I would rather wake in good spirits, than grumble through the entire day. (side note) There is a girl watching the old He-man cartoon kitty corner from me, and it's an episode I remember from when I was little. I miss that cartoon. Isn't He-man a funny name for a hero? I love cartoons. Let me rephrase that, I love old cartoons. Only a few of the new ones catch my Recess, but you can't beat some classic Warner Brothers cartoons, and oldies like the Smurfs. Anyway, I woke up in good spirits, and the rest of the day has gone exquisitly so far. Which begs the question...has the day gone well because of my attitude from the start, or was it just coincidence? Could I have possibly made things more positive through my attitude, or did the positive things that happened determine my attitude? Was my perspective different because of a conscious choice at the beginning of the day, therefore making things seem like they were more positive, or is it just a great day, overall? I'm sure it's a mix of many of these things. The day was filled with many things I love, some loose ends were tied up, I received some excellent constructive direction, as well as some affirmation to go along with it, met some interesting new people, received an extension on an assignment that is vital to graduation, was able to attend a workshop without getting in trouble for missing some work, and half of a class, and had lunch paid for by someone else. I haven't been outside since 6 o'clock this morning, but I know the sun is shining. Two things I love: Sunshine and Opportunity.

Saturday, March 08, 2008


composing supposing the answers are clear from water to wine i pray bridge to my fears collapsing from tears the beauty and ashes will stay centuries of stories, finnagled war glories old men glaze over with pride through ribbons and fame in Jesus' name they believe they honor those who have died