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Monday, July 29, 2013

Follow Me

Sitting here, thinking about people still affected by Hurricane Sandy, many forgotten homeless everywhere, desolate people in my own city, the malnourished, the lonely, so many....I almost can't stand it. Why would God allow me to live so comfortably? I feel troubled for a bit, and then I push it aside and continue living my comfortable life. I can't help but feel I might be called to do and give more....maybe everything. Isn't that what Jesus calls us to do? Can I help more people by remaining comfortable? Do I actually help more people, or do I just get distracted in my comfortable life? Are my resources better used as they are, or am I called to give up everything and walk with people, carrying nothing? God help me tonight as I read, and wrestle, ask, and listen....all with a grateful heart.

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