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Monday, February 27, 2006

I wish I could.......

I wish I could see the top of the sky fly down to the depths of the earth and feel the heat slowly make its way through my soul as I draw nearer I wish I could hear the angels whisper sweet lullabies to an unborn child and welcome home a tired, old man after a long battle with the world I wish I could touch the heart of every person I see and bring a smile to a stranger's lips because I am here I wish I could float on the water for days at a time without a care in the world and let the sun warm my face I wish I could know what it feels like to be everyone else so I would be less quick to judge and compassion would have more room I wish I could make it so I were never cold again and everyone got paid to get at least eight hours sleep I wish I could cry less and laugh more sing the night into day and write a love story for my children that would come true I wish I could stop time for just a moment so I could stare at all the people I love and memorize them I wish I could sit and not think get all my work done and have that be enough