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Thursday, January 05, 2006

Breaking Bracket Barriers

God is so good to me. Something about this past holiday season has brought about a change in me that can be described as nothing but extremely positive. Knowing that the new year was coming up, and resolution time was just around the corner, I decided to make a couple lifestyle changes around Thanksgiving, so that by the time the new year rolled around, I would already be well on my way to who I wanted to be. I realize that every day is a matter of perspective. I know that sounds silly, like something I should have realized before. I did realize it. In any given moment or circumstance I was very good at realizing that it was an attitude issue more than anything. I do believe one thing I am pretty good at is looking within myself to see what I can change or do differently, or how I am at fault, or what I can do to improve a situation. Thankfully, God is always working on my heart in that area. You can't change other people, but you can look within yourself. Sometimes, I have been accused of being too passive or too forgiving. Is there such a thing? I simply choose to pick my battles carefully. Unfortunately, when I decide something is worth fighting for, it's hard to back down, no matter how bad the odds look. I think people may have something to say about some of the battles I choose, as well. People will always have something to say about everything. That is another thing I have realized recently. You are never going to please everyone. Again, it's something I've heard before, but, for the first time, I've been a little forgiving of myself. I'm still growing and changing, and looking to better myself every day. However, I'm not constantly beating myself up anymore, and it feels pretty good. I realize if I say something I shouldn't, I apologize, or let it go, realizing that I can't take it back, I can only work on choosing my words more carefully next time. I finally understand that people are probably not thinking about me as much as I think they are. They are probably a lot like me and more concerned about what I think of them. All this focus on myself was not allowing me the time to love on people the way God intended. If I don't like myself, how can I encourage other people to love themselves, or how can I expect others to love me? Anyway, back to the perspective thing. I usually hate winter. I love that feeling in the spring of rejuvination and hope. I realize that both of those things live within me, or else how could I feel them in the first place? Why not transfer that feeling to the present circumstances? It worked! I can walk outside, bundled up, and have the same feeling that I do on that first day of warm weather in the spring. It's all a matter of perspective. I think it's also a matter of balance. You have to make an effort every single day to maintain balance in your life. That is balance physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. If you slack off a bit, don't beat yourself up, just do something to change it the minute you realize you are a bit off track. I am also careful about what I am putting in my body. I have been eating better and making great choices. It took about a month to establish good eating patterns, and it's not perfect, but it is much better, and I feel a big difference in my energy level, my mood, and my overall well-being. One of the biggest changes I have made is diving into God's word, everyday. It doesn't matter if I fully understand it or gain some insightful wisdom. I do some devotion questions, or I just read a story I am unfamiliar with. I have also read favorite verses, or read the gospel...again. God said His word never comes back void and I believe it! I didn't do it expecting these great things to happen to me, but the changes in me are unmistakable. I know that I am on a spiritual high, and at a very good place in all the other areas of my life. I also know that chances are very good that it will not last forever, With the changes I have made, however, I feel I am in a new bracket (kind of like your taxes), and when it balances out, I will still be a step above where I was before. A step closer to who God wants me to be. To God be the glory!!

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