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Wednesday, September 08, 2004


So.....I meant to write in this journal thing more often than once a week....but, things never usually work out like i plan. that is why i usually don't make a plan. however, i have found that if you do not plan anything, you will only accomplish one thing, and that's nothing. so...i have tried to be better about setting goals, making plans, and STICKING TO THEM. It seems things are a little hectic right now. I can't write very long because i came to the computer lab to do some work. So far, i have been in here for almost two hours and haven't started anything that i actually came here to accomplish.....some things never change. i hate when you are assigned a paper or something and that just isn't where your brain wants to go. that happens to me a lot. it seems like the very thing i should be doing is the one thing i can't seem to do. that kind of sounds like what Paul wrote in one of his letters to one of the -ians, (i'm not sure which one). at least i know i'm not the only one that has that problem. Sorry if this journal appears to be kind of boring so far. that is so different from what is truly going on in my mind and in my heart all the'll get better, Promise!!! I just found out that there is a Poetry Slam at the Cardinal Cage tomorrow.....i think maybe i'll go....they're giving away cash prizes...why can't that be an assignment for class? i think this may prove to be another one of those experiences where i jump completely out of my comfort zone just to see what happens.....but, hey, if you're never willing to reach beyond what you already are, how are you ever going to know what you could be? aahhh, before i get too involved in that thought, i'm gonna check out. Destination....Procrastination stops here ~ it's time i got to work. these thoughts of mine swirl in and out on limbs of wisdom and wings of doubt time ticks on yet here my spindle lies a cup that overflows the sparkle in my eyes i don't think that would be worthy of a cash prize tomorrow...but it sure is exactly how i feel tonight....PEACE.

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